Review: King Breaker – Rowena Cory Daniells

The story of Byron, Fyn and Piro picks up immediately where the cliff-hanging ending of The Usurper let off! When Cobalt stole the Rolencian throne, Byren, Fyn and Piro were lucky to escape with their lives, now they’ve rallied and set out to avenge their parents’ murder. 

Byren is driven to defeat Cobalt and reclaim the crown, but at what cost? Fyn has sworn to serve Byren’s interests but his loyalty is tested when he realises he loves Byren’s betrothed. And Piro never wanted to win a throne, now she holds the fate of a people in her hands.
My thoughts:
It was 3 years since I read the first 3 books so that was not the best way to start, but I remembered the big points. That is the worst with waiting, but I still came back to the story pretty quickly.
Daniells have a way of making you despair. I mean those poor poor characters! When you think it will work out then another hurdle comes along. But then there is a lot of unhappy people in this world.
Byren is going to take his kingdom back (the kingdom he never wanted in the first place.) Poor Byren, he never catches a break. His brother Fyn is holding the neighboring kingdom for him and taking care of Byren’s bride to be Queen Isolt. And Fyn wants Isolt for himself (think of the consequences man!) And then there is their sister Piro who was not as cool in this story for some reason. And the last POV is Garzik, the brother of Byren’s friend.
Byren’s POV is one of constant struggle and he is never happy. He needs to free his people and marry someone he does not want. I felt sorry for him to the bitter end.
Fyn’s POV was good as he was in the middle of a bunch of idiots. Bickering lords are always fun to read about as I wanted to smack them all over the head. The political intrigue never stopped there.
Piro’s POV was a bit… well it never took off. And lastly Garzik who is stuck with the Outlander pirates. There was always something going on there.
This is a book of political intrigues, lots of fighting and strange magical beasts. It’s also a dark book and a good ending to this series. A strange and at times evil world that was well put together.

Paperback, 774 pages
Published September 17th 2013 by Solaris
King Rolen’s Kin #4
For review

Review: Sanctuary – Rowena Cory Daniells

The mystic Wyrds have been banished by King Charald, whose descent into madness grows ever steeper. Exiled and forced to set sail on the first day of winter, Imoshen’s people are packed onto seven crowded ships. Tensions flare under the pressure and the all-fathers and all-mothers are put to the test controlling their hardened warriors. Ronnynand his sister Aravelle have been separated, just as they feared, and look to an uncertain future. Sorne is betrayed and captured on the seas. Tobazim faces a confrontation with the bloodthirsty All-father Kyredeon and his notorious assassin, Graelen. And, while Imoshen has promised the T’Enatuath a home with the Sagoras, the enigmatic scholars have not yet replied to her plea for sanctuary.
My thoughts:
The problem with this book was the end. It was all good up to that, but, there was no conclusion. There was nothing that left me feeling good and that everything would turn out ok. It was more, they are fine for today, but hey today they might all die. And for me that is not a good feeling. I like conclusions, while this felt like more is coming. But is more coming? No.
Anyway it was still a good book even if it felt unfinished. There are lots of characters in it..yeah lots and all with names that I can’t remember how to spell except for Imoshen. The woman who tries to lead her people into exile. Humans are bad, idiots most of them. The T’en are better, but only cos they do not kill humans, just each other. So yes in that aspect they are no better. But it’s a fascinating society even with it’s flaws. I would sure not like to be born into it. Men and women do not trust each other and the half bloods are just lessers.
A fascinating world as I said. A good thrilling story. I just wished for more of an ending.
Not someone I wanna meet in the dark

Series: The Outcast Chronicles #3
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 559
Published: 2012 by Solaris
Source: own

Review: The King’s Man – Rowena Cory Daniells

This is an exclusive ebook novella set in the King Rolen’s Kin world. Turns out one of the characters from the first trilogy survived and this is his story.
My thoughts:
This is a novella from Daniell’s King Rolen’s Kin world. The main character is Garzik, the son of Lord Dovecote. And it was believed Garzik was dead, but that is the thing, he survived.
It’s a not so short novella, it does have over 120 pages, and it also leaves the ending open. It is both hopeful and not so hopeful at the end. She truly has to give us more cos she does leave us hanging, a lot of things can still happen to Garzik.
I can not really go into details about what happens cos that just feels like one big spoiler. But he will be on an “adventure.” Good things happens, but mostly bad things. He is not happy, but he has a goal and he is finding his way.
A good novella that also can be read as a stand alone. And it did make me want to read more.

Series: King Rolen’s Kin
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 130
Published: Dec 6th 2012 by
Source: For review

Review: Exile – Rowena Cory Daniells

For over three hundred years the mystics have lived alongside the true-men, until King Charald lays siege to the mystic’s island city. Imoshen, most powerful of the female mystics, is elected to negotiate with the true-man king. The male mystics still resent her, but she has an ally in Sorne, the half-blood, who was raised by true-men. Even though he is vulnerable to her gifts, he gives Imoshen his loyalty. In return, she gives him the most dangerous of tasks, to spy for her. She negotiates exile for her people. They must pack all their valuables, reach port and set sail by the fi rst day of winter. But to do this, they have to cross a kingdom filled with true-men who are no longer bluffed by their gifts. Meanwhile, there are mystics living in the countryside, unaware that their people have been exiled. King Charald announces any mystics who remain behind after they are exiled will be hunted down and executed.
My thoughts:
I had to start this at once when I got it. I just had to know what would happen! She sure knows how to keep a reader on her (or his) toes.
Book 1 ended with a cliffhanger, still a cliffhanger that I could live with since the city was under siege. All good for now. But it was just the kind of book that you just crave more, you need to know how the story will end.
As this is fantasy there are many threads and people but I will mention a few. Sorne, the half-blood in the enemy camp who watches the king become more and more crazy. Imoshen who is chosen to make terms with the king. She has a brain, she wants more for her people. The whole Brotherhood against Sisterhood can’t last. I have hopes for her.
Then there are others, siblings on an island who does not know that there is a deadline. Leave the country or die! An evil Baron trying to claim power. A member of the Brotherhood realizing how bad their leader is. All coming together in one good plot.
This story is all with trying to stay alive. The “humans” does not want them their. They will kill them all, they want them gone. But can they leave? And how? Daniells had me on needles as I read this book and had my heart in my throat. I love how dark the world is, and how stupid the humans are. That might be strange to say but it does make it more thrilling. They are so stuck in their ways, racists that does not like people being different. It made me hate them so much. Most are willing to slaughter a whole people. And the point is that the people that they hate are not really that different. If all of them leave half-bloods will still be born, yes they are all the same. That is just sad.
It’s a rich world filled with conflict and even if I say that the “humans” are bad does not make the other guys good. But at least they only kill each other. Their society can’t last they way it is. The T’en on top, the half-bloods under them and men and women leaving separately.
In the end I can’t wait to see how this all comes together. Can they survive this hostile world? And can they come to live peacefully among themselves? I can’t wait to find out as I need to read the next book. I need to know.
Totally recommended.  Great fantasy.

Series: The Outcast Chronicles #2
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 509
Published: July 2012 by Solaris
Source: For review

Review: Besieged – Rowena Cory Daniells


Sorne, the estranged son of a King on the verge of madness, is being raised as a weapon to wield against the mystical Wyrds. Half a continent away, his father is planning to lay siege to the Celestial City, the home of the T En, whose wyrd blood the mundane population have come to despise. 

Within the City, Imoshen, the only mystic to be raised by men, is desperately trying to hold her people together. A generations long feud between the men of the Brotherhoods and the women of the sacred Sisterhoods is about to come to a head. With war without and war within, can an entire race survive the hatred of a nation? Rowena Cory Daniells, the creator of the bestselling Chronicles of King Rolen s Kin, brings you a stunning new fantasy epic, steeped in magic and forged in war.
My thoughts:
This story takes place over a few decades and then it ends when something big happens. Oh yes cliffhanger alert, but it was still a calm cliffie as things will happen. But there is no one hanging off that cliff just yet. Maybe in a minute though.
There are different POVs but the two big ones are Sorne. A half blood raised to be a spy and weapon. He wanted to prove he was something more than just tainted and I felt so sorry for him. Humans are stupid and would never see anything else.
Then there is Imoshen who is also raised to be something else as her people bicker between themselves. She was calm and cool. And not so set in her way as the rest of her kin.
Then we have the races. Mieren = true-men, that’s normal humans then. Idiotic, racists, I just loathed them. They hate the T’en because they have magic. But the thing is the T’en are not that different. Just a bit different looking and two humans can still get a halfblood kid. Even if the Wyrd had issues of their own they still tried to live alongside humans. While humans took the form of an angry mob with pitchforks and nooses. And I could not see a way out of this. How can the trilogy possible end?! I like the T’en. Please save the T’en. They are all the same, can’t they see that?!
Yes as you can see the book sure got a few emotions out of me, I sat there grinding my teeth hating The Mieren (humans, grrrr). And then are some evil characters that stand out too. Down with them!
The world was fascinating, just like the people living in it. It was the beginning of a rich saga, and it was truly only the beginning. So much more to come. Things are sure about to happen and I must read book 2!
Great, though she does look like the actress playing Daeny in GoT and I despise Daeny.

Series: The Outcast Chronicles #1
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 672
Published: June 26th 2012 by Solaris
Source: review

Review: The Usurper – Rowena Cory Daniells

King Rolen’s Kin, book 3

Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 489
Published: September 2010

Now a slave, Piro finds herself in the Merofynian Palace where, if her real identity is discovered, she will be executed. Meanwhile, Fyn is desperate to help his brother, Bryen, who is now the uncrowned King. Bryen never sought power but now he finds himself at the centre of a dangerous resistance movement as the people of Rolencia flee vicious invaders. How can Byren defeat the invaders, when half his warriors are women and children, and the other half are untrained boys and old men?
First, the guy looks totally scary, fear not though, he is not a zombie. I guess he is meant to be Fyn, the prince destined to become a monk because of his magic.
This book picks up where the last ended. Piro is on her way to Merofynia as a slave and she will serve princess Isolt. While her capturer expects her to be a spy for him. Byren has a camp filled with women, children, and some soldiers. He is trying to figure out how he can win his country back from his cousin, and kick out all the Merofynians. All while the young Fyn has been shanghaied and is now a sea hound. They all want to restore the throne.
I liked Piro’s adventure, because later she meets this young mage, and I do like when I suddenly gets hopes up for possible romance. Byren’s tale was war, as before, he is the fighter, the brave one and the one destined to be king. While Fyn really stepped up in this one, he showed he is courageous and noble, and he falls in love, sort of.
There were also some new faces, the young mage Tyro, princess Isolt, and then the evil Palatyne who wants to rule the world, and marry the young pretty Isolt. He does not care who he kills on hsi way to his throne. He feels like a very believable bad guy. Greedy for power.
The only negative part is the end. Oh it’s a very happy fulfilling ending, but at the at same time it’s open, and some major conflicts are left, especially in the romantic department. I want more, I need more, I must ask Daniells.
This is still a good end to a fantasy series that kept me enthralled and I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough. The political plots, the hidden agendas, the magic, it all makes this an interesting tale of good, bad, and all that lies in between.
Blodeuedd’s Cover Corner: Too zombie looking
Reason for reading: From the author
Final thoughts: Epic fantasy

The winners of Cattitude by Edie Ramer are:
Stella Ex Libris
Jen M
Congrats! Will email you both soon

Review: The Uncrowned King – Rowena Cory Daniells

Book 2 of King Rolen’s Kin

Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 396
Published: August 2010

Thirteen year old Piro watches powerless as her father’s enemies march on the castle, while a traitor whispers poison in the King’s ear, undermining his trust in her brother, Byren. Determined to prove his loyalty, Byren races to the Abbey; somehow, he must convince the Abbot to send his warriors to defend the castle. And Fyn, the youngest of King Rolen’s sons, has barely begun his training as a mystic, but wakes in a cold sweat, haunted by dreams of betrayal.
Some spoilers from book 1 are coming up
This was a good follow-up to book 1, it is also much shorter than book 1. Not that I mind chunky books, oh no, I love those. But this one still was packed with action and drama.
Lence is dead and Byren is no heir to Rolencia. He needs to get to the warrior monks to save his kingdom. Fyn has a feeling that they have been betrayed, and for someone who didn’t have much affinity he sure feels more now. And then there is the last sibling, Piro, who is hiding in her own home in fear of her wicked cousin Cobalt.
In this book Byren got into a lot of trouble, I feared for him as the tried to reach the monks, reach home. All while an invading army was nipping at his heels. He is still the strong warrior, but I have started to wonder now if he will get the throne in the end. Because in this one he makes some very unlikely friends, and then there is the whole rumour that he is gay. Piro is a feisty little girl, and I do like her. She hides as a servant and witness the destruction of the kingdom with her own eyes. As the book was ending I was very unsure how she would fare. Then there is Fyn, I got really angry at him at one point when he tried to rescue Cobalt. To his defence he didn’t know that snake led the army into the town, and wanted to marry Piro, and take his mother as his lover. Fyn at the end, oh I am sure he will have quite the adventure in book 3, and then there is that dream he has of Isolt, the daughter of the Merofynian king..could the meaning, oh I need the next book.
This book had some daring escapes and darkest betrayal. These three siblings are doing their parts to save their dying kingdom, and I have no idea what the future holds for them. The bad guys are well done, and with one I am not sure what to make of him. He has his own agenda. The book has a good cast of characters, and I am happy to see them evolve. There is adventure, action, and a rich world with interesting beasts.
A good middle book to a good new series. The third will bring this saga to an end, and it is a book that I must read so that I finally will know what happens to King Rolen’s Kin.
Blodeuedd’s Cover Corner: I liked this one better.
Reason for reading: From the author
Final thoughts: If you are looking for some new fantasy this year then try this one.