Review: King Breaker – Rowena Cory Daniells

The story of Byron, Fyn and Piro picks up immediately where the cliff-hanging ending of The Usurper let off! When Cobalt stole the Rolencian throne, Byren, Fyn and Piro were lucky to escape with their lives, now they’ve rallied and set out to avenge their parents’ murder. 

Byren is driven to defeat Cobalt and reclaim the crown, but at what cost? Fyn has sworn to serve Byren’s interests but his loyalty is tested when he realises he loves Byren’s betrothed. And Piro never wanted to win a throne, now she holds the fate of a people in her hands.
My thoughts:
It was 3 years since I read the first 3 books so that was not the best way to start, but I remembered the big points. That is the worst with waiting, but I still came back to the story pretty quickly.
Daniells have a way of making you despair. I mean those poor poor characters! When you think it will work out then another hurdle comes along. But then there is a lot of unhappy people in this world.
Byren is going to take his kingdom back (the kingdom he never wanted in the first place.) Poor Byren, he never catches a break. His brother Fyn is holding the neighboring kingdom for him and taking care of Byren’s bride to be Queen Isolt. And Fyn wants Isolt for himself (think of the consequences man!) And then there is their sister Piro who was not as cool in this story for some reason. And the last POV is Garzik, the brother of Byren’s friend.
Byren’s POV is one of constant struggle and he is never happy. He needs to free his people and marry someone he does not want. I felt sorry for him to the bitter end.
Fyn’s POV was good as he was in the middle of a bunch of idiots. Bickering lords are always fun to read about as I wanted to smack them all over the head. The political intrigue never stopped there.
Piro’s POV was a bit… well it never took off. And lastly Garzik who is stuck with the Outlander pirates. There was always something going on there.
This is a book of political intrigues, lots of fighting and strange magical beasts. It’s also a dark book and a good ending to this series. A strange and at times evil world that was well put together.

Paperback, 774 pages
Published September 17th 2013 by Solaris
King Rolen’s Kin #4
For review

28 thoughts on “Review: King Breaker – Rowena Cory Daniells

  1. Bob Milne says:

    "Byren's POV is one of constant struggle and he is never happy."You hit the nail right on the head there. While a few characters had their happy moments, it was a largely melancholy conclusion.

  2. Elysium says:

    I didn't remember the series is that old if you read those 3 years ago. And I still haven't started these! I have the first 3… Need more time…

  3. Lauren Elizabeth says:

    I do love fantasy with strange magical beasts and political intrigue, and it sounds like there are plenty of both in this one. Kudos to you for sticking with this despite the long wait! Great review 🙂

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