Review: Shadow’s Son – Jon Sprunk + I am being interviewed ->

Series: Shadow Saga 1
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 280
Published: 2010

In the holy city of Othir, treachery and corruption lurk at the end of every street, just the place for a freelance assassin with no loyalties and few scruples.

Caim makes his living on the edge of a blade, but when a routine job goes south, he is thrust into the middle of an insidious plot. Pitted against crooked lawmen, rival killers, and sorcery from the Other Side, his only allies are Josephine, the socialite daughter of his last victim, and Kit, a guardian spirit no one else can see. But in this fight for his life, Caim only trusts his knives and his instincts, but they won’t be enough when his quest for justice leads him from Othir’s hazardous back alleys to its shining corridors of power. To unmask a conspiracy at the heart of the empire, he must claim his birthright as the Shadow’s Son . . .

My thoughts:
This was the start to a new fantasy series and I was soon caught up in the intrigues. I even wanted to look at the end, but I managed to keep myself in check. But I tell you, it was hard!

Caim is an assassin. Yes he kills for money and he does not have a problem with it. Up until he saves a young woman who thinks he killed her father. Poor Caim is in the middle of a big plot and everyone is gunning for him. What can I say, I have a weak spot for thieves and assassins in fantasy books. And Caim is a good man when it comes down to it. He is just driven by revenge and he has lived a harsh life. Of course I liked him at once.

Other characters are Josey, the daughter of a murdered nobleman and Caim’s friend Kit who no one else can see and who hovers around like a ghost. She was a bit of a comedic relief in a way as they bickered. Then we have the bad guys and I will not say more other than the bad guys are really evil. And I want to go and kick some ass. *gives the bad guys the evil eye*

Intrigues, I liked that. What was going on? Who wanted who dead? And then when I knew the plot, could Josey and Caim get out of it alive? It came to the point where I no longer could put the book down.

It did not end with a cliffhanger but with a nice enough ending and yes with questions. Like the shadows he can command.

A good solid start to this series. I will read book 2, and I am very glad that I have book 2 ready since I want more. 

Nice, I like hoods, lol 
Simcha over at SFF Chat is celebrating her blogaversary and I am being interviewed 😀 So come on over and say hello (she got a contest too in another post 😉 And she is so nice and has excellent taste in books