Review: Season for Scandal – Theresa Romain

Jane Tindall has never had money of her own or exceptional beauty. Her gifts are more subtle: a mind like an abacus, a talent for play-acting—and a daring taste for gambling. But all the daring in the world can’t help with the cards fixed against her. And when Edmund Ware, Baron Kirkpatrick, unwittingly spoils her chance to win a fortune, her reputation is ruined too. Or so she thinks, until he suggests a surprising mode of escape: a hasty marriage. To him. On the surface, their wedding would seem to satisfy all the demands of proper society, but as the Yuletide approaches, secrets and scandals turn this proper marriage into a very improper affair.
My thoughts:
This romance was different. I can’t say all the ways it was different because that would be to spoil things, but yes it was different.
First we have Jane who marries Edmund after a certain thing she was involved in. They are not in love, and he does try to treat her well. But yes the whole marriage is kind of blah. I wished for love but after a while I knew the truth. If these two want a happy loving marriage they will have to work for it. And so they did but it sure took time before they realised that.
Jane was strong, again I can’t say the situation I am thinking of. She also wanted a bit too much. But she was cool. Edmund was kind and was the sort of guy who danced with spinsters at the balls. But he has a secret and it could tear everything apart. And then there is danger hidden in the darkness.
So do not expect a whirlwind romance at once. No, expect two people, one wanting more, the other one all self-sacrifice. Two people who eventually will find love and happiness.
I like it

Paperback, 352 pages
Expected publication: October 1st 2013 by Zebra
Holiday Pleasures #3
Historical romance
For a review

34 thoughts on “Review: Season for Scandal – Theresa Romain

  1. Christina T says:

    I kind of like the idea that this book is about a couple that has to work at a marriage. Many times in romance novels that part is glossed over or not even covered. I haven't read it yet but Eloisa James's Once Upon a Tower might be similar.

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